- ◆ Nova série 5000 de CPU – Mini PC alimentado com AMD Ryzen 5 5500U 6 núcleos/12 threads (2,1GHz até 4,0GHz, L2 3MB L3 8MB Cache). Pode transformar sua mesa em uma estação de trabalho poderosa apenas adicionando um teclado e mouse. O Wi-Fi 6 (802.11ax) e o Bluetooth 5.2 são mais rápidos e estáveis, e não há congestionamento de rede. Mais suporte sem fio, diga adeus à área de trabalho bagunçada.
- ◆ Tela tripla e saída HD 4K – AMD Radeon Graphics 7 Core 1800 MHz proporciona processamento gráfico poderoso. Tela tripla 4K a 60 Hz saída via HDMI dupla e porta tipo C. Desfrute de qualidade de imagem de primeira classe e melhore facilmente a eficiência do trabalho. Totalmente capaz de navegar na internet, usando aplicativos Microsoft Office, Adobe PR e PS, reprodução de vídeos 4K, etc.
- ◆ Capacidade de expansão livre – Mini computador carregado com 16 GB SO-DIMM DDR4 RAM (2666 MHz). DDR4 de canal duplo atualizável para máximo 64 GB (2 x 32 GB, até 3200 MHz). E SSD M.2 de 500 GB NVME 2280 (atualizável para máximo 2 TB), velocidade de leitura de até 3000 MB/s. Suporta expansão de HDD externo de até 2 TB de 2,5 polegadas, 7 mm (tutorial estendido na caixa). Reduz a latência, capacidade de carregamento e processamento potentes para uma experiência mais suave.
- ◆ Design multiinterface e atende às necessidades profundas – o pequeno computador Beelink SER5 está equipado com 2 portas HDMI2.0, 3 portas USB 3.2 Gen2, 1 porta USB 2.0, 1 porta tipo C (dados e vídeo), 1 conector DC, 1 porta RJ45 1000 m, 1 entrada de áudio de 3,5 mm (HP e microfon). Suporta conectividade de rede Gigabit Ethernet RJ45 1000M. O pequeno PC também pode ser usado para jogos e trabalho de virtualização. Recomendações de jogo: LOL, DOTA 2, PUBG, OW, CSGO, Apex Legends, Far Cry 3, Assassin’s Creed 4, Skyrim, etc.
- ◆ Mantenha a mesa silenciosa e arrumada – o tamanho do micro computador é de apenas 12,7 x 11,4 x 4,1 cm, como o tamanho da palma da mão, tornando o mini mais conveniente de carregar. Instale o PC portátil na parte de trás do monitor através da interface VESA para torná-lo um computador tudo em um e deixar o escritório mais limpo. Armação ABS, 2 tubos de cobre, placa de alumínio atualizada e design do ventilador também ajudam este mini pc a funcionar melhor, silenciosa e eficiente dissipação de calor. Atende às suas necessidades diárias de trabalho e entretenimento.

Seth Berry –
I was originally looking for a laptop that had the power for heavy multitasking and a bit of gaming. I wanted upgradability, quiet, powerful, compact, and simple. I quickly got into the $1500 range and out of my price range. I wanted a computer that I can easily set up on my couch and take down as needed.
This computer has exceeded my expectations in every way. It is quiet, very powerful, had a clean install of Windows 11 Pro. From the moment I plugged it in, it has run flawlessly. It was easy to set up, everything worked as it should.
Because of the pricing of this PC, I was able to put together a setup that is much more custom, rather than being stuck with what a laptop offers. I bought a nice portable monitor to my liking, I bought a small mechanical keyboard, a very good gaming mouse and saved a lot of money in the process.
Being a techie, I looked into all the components they used. It is obvious to me that they put a lot of effort into building a quality computer. And they took time to design a nice well engineered case to hold it all and make it perform and cool. I was worried that they were just trying to build a cheap PC and sell it for cheap and that is not at all the case. I am impressed, which is not easy to do.
The only flaw I can find, which I already knew going in, was the lack of video out on the USB-C. It is a limitation of the motherboard and they may just not of had that option.
This PC is very fast, games perfect, runs cool. I highly recommend this setup with the 5600H processor. The only software glitch which you will need to address is downloading and installing the latest AMD adrenaline drivers and interface to get the most out of gaming and graphics.
Good Job Beelink! Keep up the good work, you deserve it on this one.
Sinner G –
I’ve had this for about a week now, and so far it has been just awesome! I’m absolutely amazed at the speed of this Mini PC for its compact size. It took just minutes to unbox and have it connected to my TV. It has had no issues playing games at their highest video settings, and my PS4 controller connected via Bluetooth took seconds to connect and it works flawlessly. I’ve downloaded movies that are larger than 40gb in size and it plays them with no issues. It starts up from OFF and is ready to use in less than a minute. For the price, quality, and compatibility you can’t go wrong. I would certainly recommend this PC to my family and friends.
Ryzen 7
16gb Ram
5800H Processor
I’m very happy with this product!!
Sinner G –
I recieved my SER4 last week, and have been hard-pressed to pull myself away from it. I’m not a gamer, I’m not a “content creator” or video editor, so this review probably doesn’t help a lot of readers. But I am a musician with a home studio and I have a multitude of high-end plug-ins and programs and virtual instruments that will tax a processor just as heavily when running a full session in Reaper. After two years of dealing with a tough but very outdated 2013 Toshiba with an AMD A6 quad-core and 12 GB (upgraded) of RAM, a new machine had gone from a “want” to a “need” as my software collection grew.
Just one instance of certain synthesizers was often too much, with some patches pushing the CPU usage into the 30-60% range. On top of all the system processes, etc, workflow was hardly flowing.
I haven’t been able to make this little beast even break a sweat. Not. Once. I haven’t thrown a TON at it, but it handles the latest amp sims, iZotope complexities, and Serum, all going at once, without the slightest skip, pop, or cutout. Program installation and rendering is lightning fast. Every day I am amazed all over again. If you’re a music producer, mix engineer, or even a mastering expert, and you’re on a budget… Dude. Look no further.