- Gasp with Shock and delight at the spectacle of stupid pugnacious thugs punching, kicking, and throwing their foes into unspecified hazardous machinery, flaming INCINERATOR pits, and ginormous industrial fans.
- Watch in horror and Amusement as gangs of saggy beasts grab, push, pull, and shove their enemies from permanently Suspended building scaffolds, unattended ferris wheels, and commercial haulage trucks.
- Customise your character and fight local and online enemies in the melee game mode or fight with friends against the gangs of Beef City in the gang game mode.

Diego Cesar Alves da Silva –
Fácil jogabilidade
Andre –
Jogo bem simples, mas meu filho gostou. Está se divertindo bastante.
Daniela Minelli Ruiz –
Meus filho vivem montando cidade e portais perfeito